Monday, June 26, 2017

Bok Choy Harvest

If there is any green you should grow, it's baby bok choy! It's easy to grow, slow to bolt in hot weather, has awesome health benefits and it tastes delicious.

I use bok choy in pretty much everything. We harvest young greens for salad, but I also use them like I would baby spinach in egg dishes and soups. They are fantastic sautéed with garlic, crushed red pepper flakes, sesame oil, and soy sauce as a side dish, and they add great flavor and crunch to stir-fry.

Photo credit- Dessie Austin
We grow multiple beds of bok choy every summer. It's a super quick growing veggie, so you can get it in and out of garden beds in no time at all. We normally plant a bed in early spring, another bed after a spring veggie is done and before we get a summer veggie in, and a bed for our fall garden. 

To plant bok choy, you simply scatter the seeds in the bed and keep them moist. We saved these seeds from a few of our bok choy plants from our 2016 garden.

Photo credit- Dessie Austin

To harvest the bok choy, you cut it with sharp shears or a knife.

Photo credit- Dessie Austin

We plunge it into cold water to cool it down and keep it from wilting. If you plunge it in water and dry it well, it will keep in plastic bags in the fridge for 2-3 weeks.

The baby leaves are tender and great for salads, but you can also let them grow and harvest the heads. They are excellent in Asian dishes because the stalks add a nice crunch to stir-fry and noodle bowls.

Photo credit- Dessie Austin

Bok choy is considered a nutrient dense plant, containing large amounts of Vitamins A and C, antioxidants, glucosinolates, which have been shown to fight cancerous cells, and minerals like calcium, manganese, and iron. 

 So if you are wondering what to plant next or looking for something new to try, put this one on the list! You'll love it!

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