Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December on the Acre

It’s the time of year where a delicate blanket of snow covers the once flourishing vegetable patches of our little acre. The heavy lifting is done, and our work consists of reading gardening books, planning for the 2019 garden market year, and my favorite, decorating the garden for Christmas. 

We began the prep for the winter months in late summer, when we sowed cover crops like hairy vetch, oats, and clover into some of our beds. The cover crops protect the soil from erosion during the blustery winter months, add nutrients to the beds, and break down into a mulch, which makes for lovely soil when spring comes. In late October and early November, we cleared out the beds, added compost to them, and used mulch and black plastic to “tuck” the garden in for the winter.

Now that the garden is tucked in, we’ll be tucked inside enjoying the veggies that we spent all summer growing, canning, freezing, and drying.

May you have a peaceful and joyful holiday season! We’ll see you in 2019!